Triumphs Against All Odds: Inspiring Journeys of Resilience

An Avid Programmer from Waddar Chavani
Waddar Chavani is an area in Belgaum where families of the Waddar Community ( have settled in small huts and houses. Shashikant Gadiwaddar's family is one such. Shashikant lost his father at a very young age. His mother made the ends meet by working as a cook in a small private mess. Shashikant lacked the fluency of Kannada language and communication skills, which made it hard for anyone to see the raw talent and zest for knowledge hidden in him.

Shasikant was selected for RCF's talent-nurture program when he was in the 7th grade. As part of this program he was introduced to programming, and he immediately fell in love with coding. Shashikant is now an avid programmer having sound knowledge of C, Java, Python and SQL. Along with his undergraduate studies in Computer Applications, Shashikant works as an intern for Pratibha Poshak, and has proved himself a great asset for any team.

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